Не надо убегать от снайпера-только умрешь усталым
Amadeo (19:10) :
Hello once again. I have a little question about K'. Is he an original character or is he borrowed from some other universe. If he's unoriginal than where is he from? Because according to his biography it seems that he's from some kind of fighting like Tekken 5 for example. And is Kay Dash somewhat related with Terrance Dash ak Terry? I've noticed K's being mentioned in Terry's bio, but Terry is abscent in Kay's.
Charles (19:23) :
В то время этот концепт звался Кай Грэйв.
Кей Даш- доработанная матрица с одного консольного файтинга ориджином
Charles (19:24) :
А Кай Грэйв доводился Терри "пробирочным братом"...
Charles (19:24) :
Кей Даш- персонаж из файтинга, Кай Грейв- фэнская вариация, кстати, посильнее оригинала по ряду параметров
Amadeo (19:24) :
That's peculiar.
Amadeo (19:25) :
We're in big trouble in Qatar. But I'm going to be in a more dreadful situation being haunted by Ciiiiid
Charles (19:26) :
Не вой! Прорвемся!!
Amadeo (19:26) :
I just can't exist without audacity.
Amadeo (19:27) :
I must face Ciiiiid - my greatest adversary. We'll wiel swords. I may not suvive. Too bad she didn't even receive my calls.
Amadeo (19:29) :
I'm making dplling mistakes because his encosing breath makes me nervious.
Беседа с Амадеусом...навеяла ностальжи. А еще эта падла постоянно клянчит апгрейды...
Hello once again. I have a little question about K'. Is he an original character or is he borrowed from some other universe. If he's unoriginal than where is he from? Because according to his biography it seems that he's from some kind of fighting like Tekken 5 for example. And is Kay Dash somewhat related with Terrance Dash ak Terry? I've noticed K's being mentioned in Terry's bio, but Terry is abscent in Kay's.
Charles (19:23) :
В то время этот концепт звался Кай Грэйв.
Кей Даш- доработанная матрица с одного консольного файтинга ориджином
Charles (19:24) :
А Кай Грэйв доводился Терри "пробирочным братом"...
Charles (19:24) :
Кей Даш- персонаж из файтинга, Кай Грейв- фэнская вариация, кстати, посильнее оригинала по ряду параметров
Amadeo (19:24) :
That's peculiar.
Amadeo (19:25) :
We're in big trouble in Qatar. But I'm going to be in a more dreadful situation being haunted by Ciiiiid
Charles (19:26) :
Не вой! Прорвемся!!
Amadeo (19:26) :
I just can't exist without audacity.
Amadeo (19:27) :
I must face Ciiiiid - my greatest adversary. We'll wiel swords. I may not suvive. Too bad she didn't even receive my calls.
Amadeo (19:29) :
I'm making dplling mistakes because his encosing breath makes me nervious.
Беседа с Амадеусом...навеяла ностальжи. А еще эта падла постоянно клянчит апгрейды...
Наверное, такой же хреновый любовник и напарник, как и первый персонаж Амадео.
Он со мной постоянно по английски общается...в основном комплименты на полкилометра...сейчас потребовал разъяснения про Даша-Грейва.
Кай Грейв это персонажй, которым мой брат Каин играл на первой игре Х-Мен ин Раша, идею которого он заимствовал из игры The King Of Fighters(персонаж K' Dash)...
Могу скинуть подробные биографии как первого, так и второго
Ответы - не знаю, его бзик и враг на игре - вполне были удолетворительны
Поймете, почему я сейчас не смотрю на него как на равного.
Charles (9:02) :
Hi, my sweet boy... Welcome to the ICQ world!
Amadeo (9:03) :
Wow... I'm charmed...
Amadeo (9:03) :
Lady, lady...
Charles (9:04) :
But you have failed to impress me at least twice- as a lover and as a fighter
Amadeo (9:07) :
Relax, my princess. That last time was just an unserious practice - like a training before the real encounter. So you just don't know me yet. And if I'm
not such a lover I'm centaintly a better fighter than anyone you've seen. So in one place I didn't screw up.
Charles (9:08) :
Did you see British MotoGP last Sunday?
Amadeo (9:09) :
And please be so kind and read my sweet and tender massages in my hotel room in Qatar. I've sent them on the cell phone I left in your room, but you stil
didn't receive them...
Charles (9:10) :
Right now Emma is too busy to do this...
Charles (9:13) :
I'm still puzzled with one thing- why did you throw lighting bolt from your torso when you could easily use it to paralyze K's right hand
Amadeo (9:14) :
Even if you're so far away from me *fishing* somewhere still she can feel my emotions, cause such feeling any telepath just can't sens without tears of
compassion. I feel every second, sometimes I burn, sometimes I smoulder, sometimes you make me freeze and shudder, turn me trembling or turn me numb, but
ever then I'll burn down the embers of my heart will blaze your mane...
Charles (9:16) :
It's so sweet- but you have so many things to learn, my dear boy...
Amadeo (9:18) :
About K'. Well I really though just paralyzing his hand would be too easy and too notorious so game masters wouldn't allow it to succeed. I'm trying to
restore my karma and the way of redemption presumes being really careful - so I prefered to be less lethal.
Charles (9:19) :
A good explanation. Get your A and sit down
Amadeo (9:19) :
Don't be prejudice about me cause back there in the Birthday party we all were just having fun and I got carried away because it all seemed too quick and
easy. But in the mane sсriрt timeline I;m much different.
Amadeo (9:20) :
Get an A? I guess I'm like one of your students? Care to use new learning methods on me, sweet my miss?
Charles (9:23) :
I just enjoy this...my sweet boy...
Amadeo (9:25) :
It is been to sad since you left me, I feel so cold alone, my hert is going to breach through without me being able of stitching it once again. Without you
I'm so immurred with sorrow and abandoned in anguish. You've brough a wreath of joy into my life, my dream love, but no I share a tragic crape of soletude.
Please tell me I'm just a dreamer. The one of many dreaming about you.
Charles (9:25) :
Well, I'm pleased...
Charles (9:26) :
I'm touched...
Amadeo (9:26) :
I'm sacrificing whole my life to atone myself.
Amadeo (9:28) :
But now I'm so confused while being and just repelled, but my me forge a brand new ardent desire. So right now I'm praising my ardour like an anthem.
Charles (9:30) :
You're just a boy who need to be taught - sometimes with whip and sometimes with cookie
Charles (9:30) :
At least now...
Charles (9:30) :
needs. I'm sorry
Amadeo (9:31) :
Even if by circumstances we've separated and you've been in the hand of another, I'm still dreaming about embracing you. And even if I'm doomed I'll swear
I'll defy even desity if I have to!
Charles (9:32) :
A brave Lancelot...
Charles (9:35) :
Emma has got a taste for red-haired boys..Banshee, Cyclops and now Gambit
Amadeo (9:36) :
In the urge of pure anger I challengeg your charming prince on a lethal duel in the gloomy square of De Creter but now in the fire if pure passion I see
that there is no way I can ease my fate by shedding blood. But now I'm bleeding more. No more grieving.
Charles (9:36) :
But I don't want you to dye your hair red
Charles (9:39) :
I'm sorry but I need to leave you.. Bye, my prince charming
Amadeo (9:39) :
I'm so confused right now. I used to be afraid that my ardent desire woould make my wither from inside and I'll be languished. But now I know that no
matter what'll happen this dream make me alive.
Amadeo (9:39) :
Dream make me alive.
Но я пожалуй не буду о ваших личных проблемах, я о K', как всегда...
Едва ли так просто вышло бы парализовать его правую руку, которая, стоит помнить, в этой дурацкой высокотехнической перчатке...его парни и покруче не могли свалить
Про перчатку- я использовала поправку- 2001 и сочла, что иногда можно обходиться и без сего аксессуара...Хотя это надругательство над идеей.
Думаю в ближайшее время отряхнуть ему лапшу с ушей еще по одному мифу, который он вбил себе в головушку- авось совсем очеловечится.
В принципе, в рукавице удобнее
Ну и выгледит с ней гораздо более стильно
А что за миф ты хочешь развенчать, если не секрет?