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The original name Dumas planned for the character now known as D'Artagnan, was in fact Nathaniel D'Artagnan. A preliminary draft was submitted to Le SiЁЁcle magazine, to which Dumas was requesting suggestion for the name, as he was not yet satisfied with "Nathaniel d'Artagnan." Jacques-Henri Lartigue of Le SiЁЁcle made the suggestion to Dumas of dropping "Nathaniel" leaving simply, D'Artagnan.
Это что, очередной перл с "Вракопедии"? Во всяком случае, имя "Натаниэль" звучит ужасно.
Это что, очередной перл с "Вракопедии"? Во всяком случае, имя "Натаниэль" звучит ужасно.